Education is a hallmark of emancipation and development to meet the ever increasing economic, technological, social and personal challenges. This has lead to systemic change and re-organizing of the education systems to provide not only high standards of academic excellence but also inculcate life skills such as creativity, communication, empathy, adaptability, and social skills, all of which are being increasingly emphasized by employers and others in the global society. Our centre conducts life skills program in adherence to the WHO: Department of Mental Health which has identified ten core life skill components, specifically for BMC school children and other schools to improve the psychosocial competence and resilience of the children.
Life skills program focuses on critical and creative thinking, decision-making, effective communication, as well as skills for developing healthy relationships and positive self-concept. Life skills help people make responsible and informed choices and can promote healthy lifestyles as well as career skills. Life skills, such as creativity, judgment, communication and control on emotions, are essential for dealing with daily problems and getting through difficulties in life. Also, these skills are vital for children in today's high stressed ever changing world.